Putting Phryne’s Clothes Back On: Posidippus fr. 13 KA Revisited
Alastair Daly
Necmemini : Performing Forgetfulness in Persius’ Satires
Rebecca Moorman
Post Nullosmemorande: Martial’s Tristia, Rewriting Ovid, and Allusions of Anonymity in the Early Epigrams
David Sutton
A Fresh Start for Editing the Latin Physiognomoniae Liber
Jarrett Welsh
Sulla and Electoral Authoritarianism
Timothy Smith
The Lentini Auge Vase as Paratragic Recognition Scene
Gwendolyn Compton-Engle
Emendations in Valerius Flaccus Argonautica Book 4
Boris Kayachev
Asclepian Social Distancing: A Reinterpretation of Aelius Aristides Oration 47.23
Tom Gavin
In Praise of Greek Athletes: Echoes of the Herald’s Proclamation in Epinikian and Epigram by Peter J. Miller (review)
Stamatia Dova
Markers of Allusion in Archaic Greek Poetry by Thomas J. Nelson (review)
Richard Rawles
The Poetic World of Statius’ Silvae by Michael C. J. Putnam (review)
Christopher Chinn
Essays on Propertian and Ovidian Elegy: A Limping Lady for Stephen Heyworth ed. by Tristan E. Franklinos and Jennifer Ingleheart (review)
Jessica A. Westerhold
Les concepts de la géographie Grecque. ed. by Denis Rousset with Pascale Derron (review)
Kale Coghlan
Digressions in Classical Historiography ed. by Mario Baumann and Vasileios Liotsakis (review)
Joshua P. Nudell
Technical Automation in Classical Antiquity by Maria Gerolemou (review)
Martin Devecka
Beyond the Nile: Egypt and the Classical World ed. by Jeffrey Spier, Timothy Potts, and Sara E. Cole (review)
Livia Capponi