Preamble Contributors should keep in mind that an article is a piece of written academic communication and should be structured and argued accordingly. This means avoiding contractions and colloquialisms and the temptation to advance an argument through the use of multiple questions, lists, and lengthy quotations from secondary sources. The proliferation of dashes, semi-colons, … [Read more...] about Style Sheet / Guide de présentation à l’usage des auteurs de Phoenix
Notes for Contributors / Note à l’intention des auteurs d’articles
1. Submissions should be sent in both Word and PDF format to with the subject line "new submission". An abstract of up to 50 words should be included with your submission. Contributors are urged to supply, if possible, a version of the abstract in French. Submissions are blind-refereed and therefore must be anonymous. The paper itself should not contain … [Read more...] about Notes for Contributors / Note à l’intention des auteurs d’articles
Instructions for Reviewers
Reviews for Phoenix are 1200 words in length for a single authored book or 1500 words for an edited collection. (1) Our goal is to print reviews that convey a clear idea of the contents of the book under review as well as the nature of its arguments and structure; reviews should describe the shape of the book’s chapters and/or major divisions. A review should … [Read more...] about Instructions for Reviewers
Notes pour les comptes rendus
Votre compte rendu devrait se limiter à 1200 mots pour une monographie et à 1500 mots pour un ouvrage collectif. (1) Notre but est de publier des comptes-rendus de lecture qui donnent une idée claire du contenu de l'ouvrage en question ainsi que de la nature des arguments avancés et de sa structure en décrivant la forme que prennent les chapitres et/ou les grandes divisions de … [Read more...] about Notes pour les comptes rendus